


We love our volunteers!

Volunteer Steps

Step 1 - District Volunteer Form

Fill out the school volunteer application:

Step 2 - Review Events & Sign Up

Fill out the volunteer form and select the event you are interested in and our VP of Volunteers – Jessica Sandoval will be in touch.

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Interested in volunteering for:

Volunteer Positions

The Executive Officers shall appoint the chairpersons of standing committees which shall be ratified at the spring General Membership meeting.  Appointments shall be for one year.
Beautification and Grounds – The Beautification and Grounds Committee Chair shall organize and coordinate interior and exterior décor and grounds, decorate indoors and outdoors during various holidays, work with the Principal to plan a fall and spring clean-up day, work within the approved budget, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position; and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Volunteer – The Volunteer Committee Chair shall collaborate with the VP of Volunteers to handle the coordination and recruitment of Volunteers for the PTO activities, PTO events, and school volunteer opportunities, create and maintain a volunteer list, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Events – The Events Committee Chair shall collaborate with the VP of Events and the VP of Volunteers to assist in all major PTO sponsored events, be empowered to create an Events Committee as needed, work within the approved budget, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Teacher Appreciation – The Teacher Appreciation Committee Chair shall collaborate with the VP of Staff Support to assist in all teacher appreciation activities, including but not limited to, staff birthdays and national school staff recognition days, as well as teacher appreciation week, organize monthly teacher luncheons alternating between grade level sponsored and Amanda H. North PTO, host a welcome back to school luncheon, work within the approved budget, be empowered to create a Teacher Appreciation Committee, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Spirit Night– The Spirit Night Committee Chair shall coordinate with local restaurants or event spaces to hosta spirit night that would benefit the Amanda H. North PTO, collaborate with the VP of Marketing to ensure proper communication and advertising, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Spirit Wear– The Spirit Wear Committee Chair shall organize design, ordering and pricing of Amanda H. North Elementary School spirit wear, be available to sell merchandise at all major school functions if needed, work within the approved budget, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Room Parent-The Room Parent Committee Chair shall work with the President and First Vice-President to coordinate room parents for each classroom in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, create a room parent packet for parents, hold a room parent orientation following the September General Meeting, provide all communication to room parents, work within the approved budget, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Silent Auction– The Silent Auction Committee Chair shall work with the VP of Events and Room Parent Committee Chair to fundraise for items for a silent action, organize classroom baskets, and oversee all activities related to the silent action; work within the approved budget, be empowered to create a Silent Auction Committee as needed, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
School Supply Kits-The School Supply Kit Chair shall obtain a list of required supplies for each grade (K-5) approved by the Principal, coordinate with an approved Williamson County school supply company, distribute the supply kits at the Welcome Back to school event, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Copy Room-The Copy Room Committee Chair shall oversee all photocopying of any materials for the Amanda H. North PTO, the Chair will work with all Officers and material should be given to the Chair in a timely manner, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Marquee-The Marquee Chair shall collaborate with the President, First Vice-President and Principal to maintain the marque for Amanda H. North Elementary School, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform such other duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.
Nominating-The Nominating Committee Chair shall select at least two other members for the committee from the Amanda H. North PTO General Membership.  The Nominating committee is responsible for creating a slate of candidates for each open officer and standing committee chairs to be presented at the Executive Board March meeting and posted thirty days prior to the April General Membership Meeting.  Candidates must be willing to serve in the capacities for the specific terms of the office involved and must be a Tier III volunteer per Williamson County School Board Policy 4.501p.
Webmaster-The Webmaster Chair shall collaborate with the Executive Board to maintain the website for the Amanda H. North PTO, maintain a binder with SOP for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position, and perform other such duties that may be provided by the by-laws, standing rules, or as directed.